Happy Halloween!!! What an exciting day! Two parties, costumes, lots of candy and some tears. Addie's school had a Halloween Sing today and all of the kids lined up and paraded into the gym for the moms and dads. Addie entered the room and burst out into tears, crying "mama!!!" Literally crying. She did not participate in the sing - but watched her little classmates. I guess you can do that if you're the Queen Bee.
Jack was a cute pumpkin. Both kids enjoyed going trick or treating to a few houses in on the street. Addie wasn't shy about ringing doorbells and exclaiming, "Trick or Treat!" She also loved watching the kids come to our door. She held the candy bowl for them and sometimes even showed them different pieces of candy and asked if they liked that particular kind.
On a non-Halloween related note, Jack has yet another ear infection, so the tube surgery scheduled for next week is a firm deal. I hope it brings some relief to the little guy.