FUNNY moment tonight. The type of moment that I DREAM about capturing on film... and it happened to Addie and me and no one was there to snap the picture.
I was tucking her into bed. She told me she needed to go pee-pee...
I said, "lets go to the potty."
She wanted to take the lazy way out and go in her diaper.
I said, "oh. we need to brush your teeth anyway..."
Ok... so she went potty.
I got her toothbrush ready.
She finished the potty, we washed her hands.
She sometimes likes it when I brush her teeth for her... so I started to do so.
All of the sudden, while chatting to her I accidentally moved my hand and the toothpaste got all over her nose.
It was the funniest thing to that little 4-year-old...
It was pretty darn funny to me, too...
And immediately my thought was, WHERE IS THE CAMERA?? This was a portfolio building moment... a timeless memory that every mother wants to have... a purely perfect childhood memory... a beautiful bonding moment.
So, here it is in words... and it is etched in my mind, how silly Addie thought it was that toothpaste was on her nose!!!!
No pics of the kids today, but I may come back with a couple from the garden. Another absolutely gorgeous day today. A blessing, indeed, on this Earth Day.