yes, my tree peony. love this plant and this year the blooms are prolific and lovely. When we first moved to this garden, there were three plants in the same area. We lost one the first year and over the past couple of years the middle one has suffered a bit. The deer nibble on them a bit, perhaps that has affected it. The third one continues to do really well... just love them! I have tree peonies in a couple of different areas of the yard, but over time those spots have become more shady (shadier?) so they are not blooming. they green, but they don't produce any buds. I *may* get brave this year and move them to sunnier spots.
We've had a cool spell, which has been yucky to get through. I have had to reschedule a session two times now... just not fun picture weather! We're hoping for next week, so stay tuned. However, the good thing about the cool spell is that I think it's keeping most of my peony (oh, do I have peonies - not just the tree peony variety) buds from flowering. We are getting ready to head out of town, as we have traditionally done every Memorial Day weekend. The peonies always seem to hit their peak this coming weekend.... and I miss a bit of their glory. I'm wondering if they will wait just a couple of days to hit their peak, since we've been chilly.
Next time you read this, I will be posting vacation pictures. Looking forward to some fun times in NC.