I am in Charlotte right now on a combination business/vacation trip. I was lucky to meet two beautiful families - one with lots of energy and one with lots of sleep deprivation!! I quickly scanned the images and am excited to get home for a closer look at these sessions. Here are just a couple from each family that jumped out at me.
This little guy is 4 years old and reminded me a lot of my kids. Spunky, smart as a whip, full of energy, CUTE. Love his hair.

He is such a good big brother to his little sister. Now, isn't she too cute for words?

Little Baby C was born just about 9 weeks ago. Would you please take a look at his eyelashes... look on the right eye - they are about 15 miles long.

What a sweet baby boy - so alert, so chatty, so adorable.

And, here is our cute as a button cousin. Addie has been LOVING her!

We're off to Beaufort today... fun in the sun!