Addie is officially finished with preschool and will enter Kindergarten in the fall. WOW... how did we get to this point already??! She had a great year at preschool and grew so much as a little person. Her graduation ceremony was so sweet. The students held a performance for moms and dads... singing a multitude of songs they learned over the year. Then, they were each called to receive their diploma from their teacher. As they were called up the director announced what each child wanted to be when they grew up... super cute idea. Addie wants to be a veterinarian, although as a side note, today, she mentioned she wanted to work at a craft store because she likes crafts. The kids have lofty goals -- several aspiring cowboys, policemen, doctors, artists, fashion models and my favorite... and ice cream maker.
Here is Addie receiving her diploma from her wonderful teacher:

Showing off the important document:

Celebrating with friends:

Oh, and here is the latest fun thing in our backyard... our pond is full of wonderful pond-life - toads, frogs, tadpoles, baby toads, fish, etc... It is a living biology lesson everyday. Addie LOVES the frogs.

Summer is in full swing. Love these days of play, play, play and exhaustion at bedtime -- sweet, sweet dreams kiddos!! Stay tuned for a report from the first day of swim team tomorrow!