I have been honored each summer for the past 3 years (or is this the 4th time?) to visit this family at their cottage up north.
They never cease to amaze me - they are so kind, caring, relaxed, go-with-the-flow, and loving. There are SIX kiddos in the family, certainly they get mad at one another or Mom and Dad get frustrated with them, but their kindness and love for one another always seems to trump any bad moods! I always enjoy my time with them.
This year, I was fortunate to meet some aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins. Just as nice. Just as wonderful!
Here are some shots (of the MANY) from the day.

The newest cousin isn't lacking for attention! Lots of helping cousins on deck!

Oh, she is so silly! Goof-ball! Don't you just want to pinch her?!

Little Miss was a bit tired, I think. Getting some love from mom.

The grandparents of this group have so much to be thankful for. And, lucky for them they have grand kids with all colors of hair - red, tow-head blonde and adorable black curls! Love it!

Speaking of the grandparents... would you believe that these youthful people have been married for 40 years??? I couldn't believe it when they told me they were the grandparents of the group. I hope I look that great when I reach their age. Forty years is so awesome!! Congratulations.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for inviting me up again!
Enjoy your last few days of summer!