I was thrilled when this
family contacted me again for photos. I first met them this summer and enjoyed our session greatly. This session was no different - there is something special about this family and it is just so wonderful to be around them. They welcomed a new little baby since I last saw them and she is just about the cutest thing ever... although her wall decorations were mighty cute, too.

We ventured outside to try to find ONE fall leaf (Mom had told me all of the leaves were gone and I kinda didn't believe her until I saw for myself!!). Instead, I found a ginormous pumpkin in their garden. I mean, seriously, people... how cool is that?

The last time I was with them they had found and saved a turtle on the road. This time they found a little baby mouse nest. We were traipsing around the garden and heard squeaking noises. Although the babies didn't need rescuing, it was quite beautiful the way they teach their 3 year old son about loving all creatures.
Another thing I love about this family is their easy going nature. I thought a spot in the weeds would make a cool picture so I asked if they would walk into the weeds. Sure, no problem. And they laughed the whole time!

This is an "after" pic of one of the ones I loved from previous session. Sweet Baby G has replaced Mom's belly - what a loving family!

Firewoman Mom... ready for action at all times!

After G took a little cat nap, she woke up ready to talk and coo.
Can life get any better??
THANK you beautiful S family!