Addie woke up around 6:15am on Christmas morning, but she totally forgot that it was Christmas day! She decided to get dressed and play in her room. After about 10 minutes she said, "oh, we should check on the cookies!" (that we left out for Santa). So we all went down stairs (Dada went first to turn on the tree lights) and as she was walking down the stairs she saw the presents Santa left under the tree! She exclaimed, "presents!!!" and was so excited! It was nice --- she didn't tear into them and she was very patient. Jack had NO interest in opening so Addie got double duty, which she loved. Jack was perfectly content just watching Addie and playing with a tractor that Sa

nta brought him. Dada started a first, Christmas tunes were playing and it was a nice and relaxed morning.

Santa was very good to us again this year. Lots of toys and books for the kids (and some pretty

cute clothes, too). Music was the theme for Kevin (iPod accessories, new Wave radio, etc) and I got my very own copy of Photoshop! Yippee!!! Now I need to learn it.
We are babysitting Ruby's friend CJ for a few days. The dogs are having fun, but can I tell you about the dog hair in my house! I have vaccummed several times and it's just not going away. Both dogs insist on sleeping in bed with us... and when I say insist I mean it. If one is not in bed he/she paces and whimpers until he/she is allowed up... it is so annoying. Once I found a comfortable spot I did not move last night!
Today was a day of getting back to "normal." Nanie and Poppy have gone back to NC, Christmas day has come and gone, Dada has gone back to work... and it's just me and the kids! Addie is off school this week, so we're trying to find fun things to do to fill the days. Dada surprised us and came home early from work so we could all go swimming! It was fun.
We'll see what else the week brings - more later!
Looking forward to seeing what 2007 has in store for us.