Here are a couple of pictures from our party the other night. We continued the festivities with a cocktail hour at our neighbor's house tonight. Addie was so funny... we were served shrimp with toothpicks so Addie decided to toothpick the Goldfish that were out. Everyone thought that was quite lovely! Kevin and I have one more party this Friday, too. Addie's school celebration is tomorrow and so I've been busy making biscotti for her teachers. Poppy made it in to town a.ok last night and he has enjoyed playing with the kids today! If you ask Jack who is Poppy he says, "Nanna!" Don't know why he won't say Poppy (or something like it). Jack's other favorite saying is when you ask him where someone or something is he says, "right there" and points! So cute! More later, but I am leaving for my own party tonight --- the women's group at church that I belong to is having a little Christmas celebration.

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