Wow... sometimes you start your day and you wonder how the heck you're going to get through it. The kids are annoying you, you have a million things to do, the house is a wreck, you have no idea what nutritious meals you're going to feed your family, your library fines for late returns are more than you would normally give as a donation to the general fund, it's late November and the leaves that you raked two weeks ago are still in a pile in the back yard and they are killing the grass beneath....
then, Thanksgiving rolls around and you start to count your blessings... since this this little introduction was really about me, I'll make it personal:
I have a beautiful, independent, curious, loving, creative, friendly and outgoing little girl who will turn 4, yes FOUR years old tomorrow. I remember my entire pregnancy with her... I remember calling my doctor at 4 am telling her I thought I was in labor, I remember calling her back at 6 am telling her that I though my water broke... I remember going to the hospital around 7:45 and finishing labor and making it through without an epidural and without any drugs.... a natural birth, just as I had hoped for.... I remember my doctor deliver my baby around 11am and saying, "it's a girl!!!!" I remember the beginning moments with Addie. I remember nursing her and loving her! I remember taking her home and the first few days. I am GRATEFUL!
My son, Jack. I remember his pregnancy, too... I remember the labor (at work, actually) and going to the hospital to deliver him. I remember my favorite OB was out of town and her friend, another OB, was filling in... I remember ALMOST giving up and wanting an epi... but alas, it was too late! Jack was born about 30 minutes after I wanted to give up! I remember when the doctor said, "it's a BOY!" and how happy I was! I am GRATEFUL!!! What a sweet boy!
My list of gratefulness could go on forever... I will elaborate as the days go on...
my husband, my parents, my extended family, my friends - both old and new, my gifts and talents, my home, etc... I am so blessed and I am thankful!
My wish is that you are thankful, too!
Happy Thanksgiving!