Addie was next. She hoped right up on the table and said, "it's my turn for the flu shot." Then, she quickly said, "I don't want a flu shot!" "I DONT WANT A flu shot!" "I DON'T WANT A FLU SHOT! AHHHHH!!" Then the needle went in and she was fine. She got to pick out her band aid and she was laughing, skipping and jumping by the time we got back out to the waiting room. Love her, too.
They PROUDLY showed me their band aids after nap time. They LOVED showing Dada their band aids when he got home.
A couple of other things about jack that I keep forgetting to mention. Poor little guy had ear infections for several months last year... so we put tubes in... i think he still has a bit of ear issues because lately he's been telling me that his ears "have bug bites in them!" Luckily, we go for a yearly check up at the ENT at the end of the month so I'll be able to share the news with him.
The other thing about Jack lately is that he'll say he loves things... for example, his band aid from the flu shot today, "I wuv it!" His mac-n-cheese for lunch today, "I wuv it!" So funny!
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