I'm on the mend. A mother doesn't really have time to be sick, though, you know?! My sore throat is almost gone and the aches and chills have long since left me. I actually felt good enough to get to the gym and run on the treadmill. Progress.
Anyway... we had a BEAUTIFUL SUNNY day today. That's all I ask for every once in awhile... a little sunshine! It was lovely. Not quite as warm as I would like (maybe low 50s), but certainly sunny.
I am gearing up for my presentation to the Garden Club tomorrow. I forget the actual title my presentation was given, but something along the lines of photography and the garden. It all started last spring when someone bought some of my flower cards and loved them. Ginny, the president of the club, then asked if I would do a presentation on how I make my cards and my garden/flower photos. I've made a power point slide show of some of my favorite images and have included some tips on how to take pictures of flowers in the garden (as if I have all the answers!). Ginny told me to take lots of my cards for sale and she's sure they'll be bought right up. I hope so!!!
I'm posting JUST OF FEW (!!) of my favorite images that I'll be showing tomorrow.
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