The kids and I got some primo outside time today as the rain held off and the sun even made an appearance.
Oh... before I start... is everyone geared up for the Ohio State-Florida game tonight. Kevin is sad it's not the Tar Heels and I'm sad it's not KY, but alas... it is still the NCAA tourney. Hope everyone enjoys the game.
Kevin and I had a lovely night out on Saturday with Joe and Kristen. We went to one of our favorite restaurants, Gentiles, and had one of the tastiest meals I've had there. YUMMY! Luckily, I'm headed back there tomorrow night with the work crew.
I enjoyed some mommy time at the mall with a friend on Sunday. I found a FABULOUS deal on a floor model rug at Pottery Barn Kids for J's room. FABULOUS deal!!!! I love getting good deals and now Jack's room is too darn cute. Of course, now I want to paint his green walls blue... but that will come at a later date!
Back to today... the sun was out, the temps were mild... it felt good. I even put my wintered-over hydrangea out in the driveway for some sunshine today (don't worry, they are tucked away back in the basement for the night).
I took the kids to the park to play... they had a ball! Of course I took my camera and of course they hardley looked at me... oh well!

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