Friday, May 18, 2007

More from today

I couldn't believe when I got my camera out today that Addie actually sat beside Jack and tolerated her picture being taken (is that a grammatically correct sentence???!). I love it when they are so sweet to each other and this afternoon they spent a bit of time just laughing and eating apples together. Jack LOVES to scream, so he would scream and then they would both laugh at him.

It seems that Addie is changing overnight. Each day she does something or says something new/older, or acts in way that totally surprises me. Pardon me if this is too much info... but up until 3 days ago the child WOULD NOT go poo poo on the potty... I bribed, I begged, I bribed more, I tried guilt... she just woud not go. All of the sudden a couple of days ago she decided that she is a "big girl" and she wanted to go on the potty... low and behold, that big girl is now obsessed with poo pooing on the potty!! SHe is SO proud of herself. I am proud of her, too!

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