Addie amazed me the other day when she "RAN" up the steps... I'm talking, RAN. Like a kid does... not a little girl that I think she is! She is really growing up so fast and on one hand it is great and on the other it makes me sad!
Jack can TOTALLY turn on the "I AM TWO" tantrums... today at the Y he did his full-force throw himself on the floor and make as much noise as possible tantrum. I actually had a couple of people stop and say, "is he ok??!!!!!!!!" I quickly explained that I was ignoring his little antics and he would be fine. I also overheard a mother tell her three older children that she remembered tantrums from them just like the one Jack was throwing. After a couple of minutes I picked him up and off to the playroom we went (and I had a good workout as a result!!!!). His tantrum was all about having to put away the "b-ball" - basketball. I hope he makes it to the NBA.
In need of something to keep the kids at bay for 5 minutes while I took a shower the other day, I turned on an episode of Lassie on Kids On Demand. They had never seen Lassie and let me tell you, Addie's eyes were GLUED to the TV to watch this old-time black/white TV show. Addie asked, "is Lassie a good dog?" I said, "yes, she's a very good dog!" Addie then asked, "is she going to be the Queen's dog??" I have no idea where that came from, but it was pretty cute. Oh, by the way... we have since watched the same episode of Lassie about 10 times since then!!
I guess that's it for now. We've survived the past couple of HoT, hOt days... Addie gets a special treat... she is sleeping in our room with the window air conditioner in her SLEEPING BAG - which she thinks is the coolest thing. Her room is the hottest of the house - she has great windows, but it creates a sauna in her room and she INSISTS on sleeping with her down covers on. She has been up a couple of times the past few nights (I think because of the heat)... so we'll see if my solution of letting her sleep where it's cooler helps.
Ok... here's one picture... Jack, animated as ever...