Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Celebrity Sighting...

Robin Williams!!!

Actually... just my dad... but, not JUST my dad... a great dad! This guy will do anything for you and is such a great role model. Funny, smart and down-to-earth. Loves his family, especially his 5 grandkids. One of the most hard-working people I know. Thanks, Dad... for coming to NY to drive with me toVince and Val's wedding weekend... thanks... for everything you do!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Such a good dog! Such a pretty dog! Look at all the gray she's getting around her face! She has a birthday coming up soon - she'll be 6. Addie is so excited to make a birthday cake for her... don't know if that will really happen or not - perhaps just a big bone!

Friday, July 27, 2007

back in the garden...

It's been awhile since I've spent time with my camera in the garden. There are so many beautiful blooms! Here are a couple of fun ones from the past couple of days...I am so proud of the zinnias... I grew them from seed. Such a happy garden flower... love them!

Today was a busy day. Addie woke up (in her sleeping bag on my floor) feeling much better than yesterday. Not sure if she is 100% yet, but she was ready to go this AM... showered, ate breakfast, etc. I went to work and didn't get a call from the sitter. By the way, check out the gorgeous bouquet I made for a wedding tomorrow: I hope the bride is happy... it certainly made me smile when I finished it and saw how gorgeous it was! Plus, it has freesia in it, which reminds me of my wedding - love the scent of that flower!

Anyway... tonight we went to our friend's house and Addie got to play with her best friend, Payton. Our sitter came to pick the kids up and Kevin and I got to enjoy a couple of hours of "free time!!!" Adult conversation, adult food (yummy!) and wine. It was nice. Now, I'm up way past my bedtime again, but that' s ok!

Looking forward to a lazy weekend with nothing on the agenda... except schlepping heavy stones ... more on that later!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

All in a day's work...

or however that saying goes... my point is... it was somewhat of a long day today.

I was awakened at 5:00AM by Addie who said she didn't feel well. A dose of Tylenol and back to sleep until 6:30 - then she woke up chipper and "feeling better!" So, we went to the gym this AM and when I picked the kids up at the childcare she was sitting on one of the worker's laps, eyes glazed over. We came home and she fell fast asleep. We were invited to go swimming with our neighbors, which we were all looking forward to doing since it was rather hot today, hence, warm in the house (no A/C). After the disappointment of not going swimming... Addie threw up. Luckily, she didn't have anything in her tummy, but she was miserable. So, Jack took a nap (and dreamed of splashing in the pool), Addie rested while watching Noggin and I worked on pictures. Hot... Hot... Hot. The computer is in the hottest room of the house, which is where Addie wanted to be, too. Maybe I lost a couple of pounds just sweating today.

Addie napped most of the late afternoon, so Jack and I had some time together to play. Finally, around 7pm Addie woke up and asked for food and got up and wanted to sit outside. I gingerly gave her a 1/4 of a peanut butter sandwich and half of a banana... so far, so good... I think she had a quick bug... and we hope it's gone for good!

As we were snuggling earlier (in my bed), Addie declared that she "loved sleeping in Mama and Dada's bed. It's her favorite thing to do!" Thought that was cute.

It's still hot and I'm not sure if she's totally better, so she gets to sleep on our floor (with the window AC) in her sleeping bag. Another "favorite!"

I made good progress on Vince and Val's pictures. Just the day of the wedding to go. Here's one from the rehearsal that I thought was telling (too bad it is a terrible photo technically speaking)... look at the emotion of the flower girls during practice. You would think they were all the brides!!! They look so scared!!!
Good night... I AM going to bed soon (9pm!!!!) .

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Getting through the photos

Found this cute one of Lorenzo... not sure what he's thinking here, but he's a cutie.

Monday, July 23, 2007

the grandkids

Oh, what fun we had with our cousins. Hope to see them again soon.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The flower girls

More cute pictures of the cutest flower girls ever!

Vince and Val...

The making of a wedding day.

Take two rings...

Some last minute planning/phone calls...

A really, really cool bridal up-do, and a beautiful blushing bride...

A very happy and proud Pop.The three cutest flower girls ever.

So, this is what Vince was doing when Val walked down the aisle...

Love Val's expression as they got ready to say their vows.

A limo ride for the new Mr. and Mrs.
A happy Val.

What a beautiful day for Vince and Val... more quick pics to come in a minute.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

going to the chapel

not me...
my little brother, vince is getting married to val this weekend in ohio! Pictures will be posted later! We're at Nene and Papa's house getting ready to play with cousins and see many family members from near and far!

Friday, July 13, 2007

just a couple more

they are too cute... had to post a couple more.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

gorgeous day... gorgeous kiddos!

Today I visited some old friends for a photo session. I met Debbie a couple of years ago at the library storytime when our girls were itty-bitty. Today we mused about how the kids are growing so fast and have become little "people" all of the sudden. It was fun visiting and what a hoot the kids are! Here are a few quick images from today:
of course there had to be a shot with dirty barefeet.

I love this shot of mama and daughter.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

new haircut

Check out our day today. There is a new kids hair salon in the neighborhood that I've been wanting to check out... SO cute.
Check out this firetruck seat that Jack sat in almost the whole time we were there. He was in HOG heaven! Snip! Snip! Addie loved getting her haircut!
The stations are equipt with individual flatscreen monitors, showing a video...Addie was not liking what Lucifer was doing (Cinderella).

Monday, July 09, 2007

take me out to the ball game

or, just take me to a photo session where two cuties (and a cute brother) donned their uniforms for the camera! I had fun with these kiddos!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Am I biased?

Am I biased because he's mine... or is he really that cute??? He has been so cooperative with having his picture taken recently. He is a VERY expressive little guy and I got many cute faces today.

The boss is back. The house is no longer clean, the noise level has increased dramatically... "things" are all over the place. Addie has returned. Is it because she's a girl (as some say), or because she's the first born (as other suggest)... or is it just who she is??

Busy week ahead.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

just playing around with storyboard/collages...

Where is your...?

I'm Jack
Where's your eye?
"Right here!"
Where's your nose?
"Right here!"
Where's your mouth?
"Right here!!!"

Is he cute or what???

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

the deer

I am so angry. The deer (of course, it could be a groundhog or rabbits, but I'm blaming this on the deer) have eaten about half of my daylily buds in the backyard. GONE... DONE... there will be no daylilies blooming this summer because of it. Well... ok, there are a few buds left, but some plants are totally gone. I am so angry.