I was awakened at 5:00AM by Addie who said she didn't feel well. A dose of Tylenol and back to sleep until 6:30 - then she woke up chipper and "feeling better!" So, we went to the gym this AM and when I picked the kids up at the childcare she was sitting on one of the worker's laps, eyes glazed over. We came home and she fell fast asleep. We were invited to go swimming with our neighbors, which we were all looking forward to doing since it was rather hot today, hence, warm in the house (no A/C). After the disappointment of not going swimming... Addie threw up. Luckily, she didn't have anything in her tummy, but she was miserable. So, Jack took a nap (and dreamed of splashing in the pool), Addie rested while watching Noggin and I worked on pictures. Hot... Hot... Hot. The computer is in the hottest room of the house, which is where Addie wanted to be, too. Maybe I lost a couple of pounds just sweating today.
Addie napped most of the late afternoon, so Jack and I had some time together to play. Finally, around 7pm Addie woke up and asked for food and got up and wanted to sit outside. I gingerly gave her a 1/4 of a peanut butter sandwich and half of a banana... so far, so good... I think she had a quick bug... and we hope it's gone for good!
As we were snuggling earlier (in my bed), Addie declared that she "loved sleeping in Mama and Dada's bed. It's her favorite thing to do!" Thought that was cute.
It's still hot and I'm not sure if she's totally better, so she gets to sleep on our floor (with the window AC) in her sleeping bag. Another "favorite!"
I made good progress on Vince and Val's pictures. Just the day of the wedding to go. Here's one from the rehearsal that I thought was telling (too bad it is a terrible photo technically speaking)... look at the emotion of the flower girls during practice. You would think they were all the brides!!! They look so scared!!!

Good night... I AM going to bed soon (9pm!!!!) .
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