It has been the kids and I this week! Our sitters are in Spain, Aruba and Florida soaking in the sun for spring break... so I haven't been at work. We've tried to make our week fun by having a special playdate, lunch with friends and a day of banana bread making! Tomorrow is Friday and then a busy weekend is in store. Addie has been invited to 4 birthday parties in March (two on the same day and one party is for twin brother and sister!) - the first party is this Saturday. We had fun at Target yesterday buying presents for all her friends. She was very particular about what to get each person. Funny girl.
Jack has been potty training and seems to have poo-poo down. He has been consistently going on the potty for about a week. He doesn't quite get the pee-pee in the potty thing, though. We've tried to wear underpants twice and twice he's eventually peed in them! We'll keep trying! He does look pretty cute in his briefs!!!

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