Poor Jack. Last week he received his first bee sting. Right between the eyes on his forehead. I'm sure it hurt. He took it like a champ, cried and then forgot about it. He called it his "bee bite."
Forward to today while we were at the park... playing, running, banging on the metal tubes that kids crawl through and... GOT STUNG AGAIN. This time, on his right pointer finger. I think it was a wasp, actually. Poor Jack. He took it like a champ, cried and now has forgotten about it!
Funny story about him, too. Last night we were eating our dinner which was pork, couscous, corn and grilled zucchini (for mom and dad). Jack ate the pork and about two bites of couscous and said he was full. Dada told him he needed to eat all of his couscous or no dessert. So, he started eating it again. He finished and proudly exclaimed, "I ate all my beefbeef!!!!!"
We died laughing!!! So funny!!!!
Working on some pictures from a family of four -- stay tuned for pictures.
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