More than just neighbors... good friends. Kristen has a heart of gold... about as good as they come. Joe -- well... he's naughty, but Kristen's goodness has rubbed off on him over the years, I suppose! The types of neighbors that would do ANYTHING for you and the types of friends that you would trust with your most valuable possessions (such as children!). Can't say enough good things.... it was fun to do a session with them... I can't wait to show the gallery... it's going to be good!!

It's Halloween!
I'll go through the halloween pictures and post a couple tomorrow. Jack was a fireman (for the second year in a row) and Addie was three different things. For Thursday's party at school she was a black cat. Today she was a ballerina princess in the morning and for trick or treat she wore a cheerleading costume. We carved some great pumpkins - Addie's was a ghost and jack's was a firetruck (I win the Mommy of the Year award for that one). They were so excited to see them all lit up.
Fun, fun...
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