I attended a seminar last week put on by AVOW (www.dignityofwomen.org) called Smart Martha (www.smartmartha.org) . I didn't really know what to expect when I walked into it, and I registered on my own, without any friends to accompany me. The presenter, a Catholic woman with 9 children, spoke about being a woman, wife, mother and the "responsibilities" that go along with it! She had a great message and many great ideas for organization (for the home). The seminar touched me... maybe it is the new year, maybe it is the down time I have with the business, maybe it is that the kids are back at school.... but, I have different attitude, I am trying to be more centered. Trying to be more organized. Trying to be better - both at home and within.
The other event that touched me this week was the US Air flight that landed in the Hudson River. WOW. I have so many emotions about the situation becuase I travel by air with my children a lot, I travel US Air a lot and I travel to Charlotte a lot!!! I simply cannot imaging going through this with my kids. My thoughts also go to the pilot who is obviously a brilliant man (my uncle is also a pilot, so I always think of him in situations involving air travel, too). Can you EVEN imagine how he was feeling during the ordeal. Surreal. As I was watching the coverage on the news, I just kept saying to myself what an awesome God we have to protect these people... what an awesome God.
Looking forward to a session tomorrow with TRIPLETS!!! I have never done a triplet session, let along triplets who are turning 2. Oh my!! Wish me luck!! I'm actually going to their birthday celebration, so it should be a lot of fun.
I'm going to leave you with a few pictures the kids and I did today. These are classic Addie and Jack... goofy, silly, but, boy do I love them!!

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