I arrived at their lovely home and noticed the wind (we postponed one time due to high winds - they live on top of a hill). Not terrible, but the wind was definitely gusting from time to time. We managed to work around it. Then, I was informed that Dad was at work and would be home soon. No biggie, we could start and he could join in when he got home. I was greeted by the 6 month old cutie with a big giggle/smile. Then, I cursed it as I told him to save some smiles for the camera. He didn't listen... and the normally smiley baby just wasn't giving it to us. :( Poor little guy has pretty bad reflux and had to change outfits about four times!! Mom does A LOT of laundry! The adorable three year old was, well, just being three.... but I still was able to trick her into some great pics!!
And, the funniest mishap, toward the end of the session I was letting the 3 year old hold my lens cap. She accidentally dropped it and IT ROLLED IN BETWEEN THE DECK SLATS and went to the land of good-by. Seriously. What are the chances of that??!!! Certainly not a big deal, but just the icing on top of the "what else can go wrong" cake??!!!
The session reminded me that we live in "real life" and no matter how we plan and plan, sometimes you just have to accept it and roll with the punches! Luckily, this sweet family knew just how to roll with it and didn't get stressed about it.
Still able to find many images that I love... like these...

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