Then, she contacted me again wanting to know if we could do a generation session with her grandmother, aunt and two beautiful daughters. Day off of school eased up some time for both of us and alas, we met. I knew I liked this mom. Her energy is contagious, her smile will brighten a room and she is so darn nice.
I had a great time with everyone, actually. I felt very at home with them.
Here she is with her Grandmother. I believe they were laughing about a certain young French penpal that Grandma had when she was a young lady. That topic seemed to get some good smiles out of everyone!
Four generations of hands.
Two cute, cute daughters... very much like their mother; smiley, great personalities, spunky.

Didn't we just see that face? Now you know where her daughters get it. By the way, I do have permission to post this picture... I knew it was going to be funny!

Thanks so much.
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