Monday, July 11, 2011

50 years!

 I was recently lucky enough to spend some time with a beautiful couple celebrating their 50 year wedding anniversary. The three grown sons and their families traveled from NYC, Boston and San Francisco to be with their parents for this joyful occasion. We all know that married life consists of many ups and downs, but it was easy to see how this couple has persevered for 50 years. Their love for each other and their family was very palpable. As a matter of fact, when I asked the couple to give me an idea of what 50 years together was like, the husband choked up and started to cry. So very sweet.
This is 50 years together!
I love looking at old wedding albums.

Such a warm and loving embrace.

The super grandkids! One sole girl with all those boys!

The Wilson Tartan Plaid vests that all of the men donned. Very dapper!
Raise your glass to 50 years!
Thank you for inviting me to capture a bit of your beautiful life together. Congratulations on 50 years together and best wishes for many more to come!!