Sunday, April 06, 2008

Awesome weather

Today is the type of day that CNYers live for! FINALLY --- beautiful, undeniable sunshine all day long and 60 degree temps. Gorgeous! Sadly, I don't have any pictures of the kids to share today because we were just so busy in the yard. I know, I know... we could still get cold weather and even snow... BUT I am sick of the dead, gray canvas outside, so away with the leaves and away with the leftovers from last year's garden. This is a new season!
We grilled out tonight and when Kevin brought the steak inside to the kitchen my mouth watered... you know the smell... straight from the grill. So wonderful.
The kids have enjoyed a day of outside play - in our yard, a walk to the park, on the back deck... now they are in the tubby washing away the dirt and hopefully soon to sleep (no naps!).
We're in for a few more nice days, I think... I'm sure the camera will be out soon!

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