Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Birthday party for 3!

My favorite triplets turned three!! I was thrilled to be asked to capture the fun moments at "the trips" 3rd birthday party this weekend. The party was at The MOST, such a cool place for a party.

One of the highlights of the play area is an enormous padded climbing structure... quite a workout for adults and a definite energy burner for kiddos! There is a great twisty curvy slide and the triplets loved it. Looks like mom did, too!
There were so many things to make the kids smile.
With three kids the same age you must have an army of adults to keep track of them. Lucky many friends and aunts and uncles were on hand to help out.

A little cake at the end of the party. Yum!

A few family members couldn't attend the party because of a birth in the family. A neat little fact is that the grandparents of the triplets now have four grandchildren (the triplets and the new baby)... all with the SAME EXACT birthday! Cool, huh??!

Thanks again for inviting me -- fun photos to come soon!

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